Confirmation no# $ExternalBookingRef$ $GroupRef$ from $HotelName$

Hello $FullName$,

Thank you very much for choosing to book with City Apartments, we hope you are looking forward to your stay in York.

When you made your reservation, you provided credit or debit card details. Unless you have paid in full, this card will be charged 7 days prior to check in. If you are unsure if you have paid, please contact us using the details below.

Approximately 1 week prior to your arrival you will receive an email with the full check in details, if you have never stayed at a serviced apartment before, please do not be concerned, the check in procedure is very straight forward.

Please be advised check in and parking are only available from 3pm.

Booking details:

Group ref: $GroupRef$
External booking ref: $ExternalBookingRef$
Company name: $CompanyName$
Stay dates: $StartDate$ - $EndDate$ ($NoOfDays$ nights)
Booking date: $BookingDate$
Number of persons: $PersonAmount$
Number of booked accommodations: $Accomodations$
Notes: $Notes:{$it$
Area: $n.Area$
No. / Type: $n.Type$
Persons per accomodations: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Total price: $n.TotalPrice$
Additional services: $Services$
Accommodation detail: $AccomDetail:{ n | }$
Area: $n.Area$
Type: $n.Type$
Persons: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Name: $n.Name$
Conf #: $n.Confirm$

Contact Details

Name: $FullName$
Mobile phone: $Phone2$
E-mail: $Email$


Total booking fee for $NoOfDays$ nights: $TotalBooking.totalBooking$
Additional services: $AddonPrice:{ n |
$n.title$ - $if(n.discountPrice)$ $n.price$ - $n.discountPrice$ $else$ $n.price$ $endif$
Booking change fee: $ChargeFee$
Total price: $Total$ $TotalFeePrice$

<div class="place-desc-large"> <div class="address">14 Whitelands<br />Earswick Chase<br />York<br />YO32 9FX</div> </div>
+44 1904 295 255