Welcome to $HotelName$ - your account information

HiĀ $FullName$!

You have now received a new reservation from $HotelName$.

If you have any questions regarding the reservation, please contact us.
We ask you kindly not to contact the guests before 30 days to arrival.

To see details regarding your income for this rental, please log in at your owners lounge

Best regards,

Booking Details

Cabin: $PropertyTypeName$
Date: $StartDate$ - $EndDate$ ($NoOfDays$ nights)
Number of persons: $PersonAmount$
Extra services: $Services$
Guest Name: $FullName$
Home phone: $Phone1$
E-mail: $Email$
Notes: $Notes:{$it$

<p>6 Lower Richmond Road,<br />Star and Garter Mansions,<br />Lower Ground Suite,<br />London SW15 1JN,<br />Great Britain</p>
+44 (0) 20 3051 7305