Reservation cancelled for no# $ConfirmationCode$ from $HotelName$

Hello $FullName$,

Your reservation at $HotelName$ has been cancelled

Booking Details

Stay dates: $StartDate$ - $EndDate$ ($NoOfDays$ nights)
Booking date: $BookingDate$
Number of persons: $PersonAmount$
Property: $PropertyTypeName$
Notes: $Notes:{$it$
Additional services: $Services$

Contact Details

Name: $FullName$
Mobile phone: $Phone2$
E-mail: $Email$


Total booking fee for $NoOfDays$ nights: $TotalBooking.bookingDiscountPrice$
Additional services: $AddonPrice:{ n |
$n.title$ - $if(n.discountPrice)$ $n.price$ - $n.discountPrice$ $else$ $n.price$ $endif$
Booking change fee: $ChargeFee$
Total price: $Total$ $TotalFeePrice$

<p><span>6 Lower Richmond Road <br />Star and Garter Mansions, Lower Ground Suite, London SW15 1JN</span></p>
020 3051 7305