CONFIRMATION NUMBER: $ExternalBookingRef$ $GroupRef$
Hi $FullName$!


Thank you for booking with us!
Please review the details of your reservation carefully and inform us should you wish to make any changes.


We look forward to welcoming you!


Best regards,
The Team at $HotelName$
Booking details:

Group ref: $GroupRef$
External booking ref: $ExternalBookingRef$
Company name: $CompanyName$
Stay dates: $StartDate$ - $EndDate$ ($NoOfDays$ nights)
Booking date: $BookingDate$
Number of persons: $PersonAmount$
Number of booked accommodations: $Accomodations$
Notes: $Notes:{$it$
Area: $n.Area$
No. / Type: $n.Type$
Persons per accomodations: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Total price: $n.TotalPrice$
Additional services: $Services$
Accommodation detail: $AccomDetail:{ n | }$
Area: $n.Area$
Type: $n.Type$
Persons: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Name: $n.Name$
Conf #: $n.Confirm$

Contact Details

Name: $FullName$
Mobile phone: $Phone2$
E-mail: $Email$


Total booking fee for $NoOfDays$ nights: $TotalBooking.totalBooking$
Additional services: $AddonPrice:{ n |
$n.title$ - $if(n.discountPrice)$ $n.price$ - $n.discountPrice$ $else$ $n.price$ $endif$
Booking change fee: $ChargeFee$
Total price: $Total$ $TotalFeePrice$
What happens next?
You will shortly receive an email to register for our site so you can manage and view all the information about your booking online. This will include confirmation of your apartment number which will be required on check-in as well as your contact number which creates the 4 digit access code required.

We will contact you should we have any queries regarding your reservation but if not, you won’t hear from us again until we send you the final check-in email. We aim to send this to you 5 days prior to your arrival but if you need any further information before, please contact us directly.


Payment Reminder
Payment for your stay will be taken within the 7 days period prior to your stay. Failure to take a successful payment may result in access to your apartment being blocked on arrival or your reservation may be cancelled if no new card details are provided.

If at any point you wish to update or provide different card details; please do so via your reservation or by contacting us directly.


Hotel Information
There is no reception at the apartments and further details will be provided in our check-in email. We do have a property manager who is available should you have any problems and the contact details will be provided in the check-in email. Please contact our reservations team on +44 (0)7557 059 055 or you have any questions prior to arrival.

We have no parking onsite but we do suggest using the APCOA Waverley Station car park where a 20% discount is available to our guests. To activate this benefit, please visit the car park kiosk to validate your ticket before exiting. The staff will require proof that you have stayed with us so please have a copy of your confirmation email.

A complimentary luggage store is available at all apartments and full details of how to access is provided in your check-in email.


Cancellation Policy
Cancelling your reservation before 11.59pm on the 8th day prior to arrival will result in no charge. Cancelling your reservation after 00.00am on the 7th day prior to arrival) will result in full payment for your stay being charged.

28 North Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1QG
+44 (0) 131 208 8028