CONFIRMATION NUMBER: $ExternalBookingRef$ $GroupRef$
Hi $FullName$!


Thank you for booking with us!
Please review the details of your reservation carefully and inform us should you wish to make any changes.


We look forward to welcoming you!


Best regards,
The Team at $HotelName$
Booking details:

Group ref: $GroupRef$
External booking ref: $ExternalBookingRef$
Company name: $CompanyName$
Stay dates: $StartDate$ - $EndDate$ ($NoOfDays$ nights)
Booking date: $BookingDate$
Number of persons: $PersonAmount$
Number of booked accommodations: $Accomodations$
Notes: $Notes:{$it$
Area: $n.Area$
No. / Type: $n.Type$
Persons per accomodations: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Total price: $n.TotalPrice$
Additional services: $Services$
Accommodation detail: $AccomDetail:{ n | }$
Area: $n.Area$
Type: $n.Type$
Persons: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Name: $n.Name$
Conf #: $n.Confirm$

Contact Details

Name: $FullName$
Mobile phone: $Phone2$
E-mail: $Email$


Total booking fee for $NoOfDays$ nights: $TotalBooking.totalBooking$
Additional services: $AddonPrice:{ n |
$n.title$ - $if(n.discountPrice)$ $n.price$ - $n.discountPrice$ $else$ $n.price$ $endif$
Booking change fee: $ChargeFee$
Total price: $Total$ $TotalFeePrice$

<p>5395 NAPA ST., SUITE 210 SAN DIEGO CA 92110</p>
+1 619 332 1333