Confirmation no# $ExternalBookingRef$ $GroupRef$ from $HotelName$
Hello $FullName$,
Thank you for making a booking for multiple rooms, or rooms and other services, with $HotelName$. Your reservations details are included below. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.
Booking details:

Group ref: $GroupRef$
External booking ref: $ExternalBookingRef$
Company name: $CompanyName$
Stay dates: $StartDate$ - $EndDate$ ($NoOfDays$ nights)
Booking date: $BookingDate$
Number of persons: $PersonAmount$
Number of booked accommodations: $Accomodations$
Notes: $Notes:{$it$
Area: $n.Area$
No. / Type: $n.Type$
Persons per accomodations: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Total price: $n.TotalPrice$
Additional services: $Services$
Accommodation detail: $AccomDetail:{ n | }$
Area: $n.Area$
Type: $n.Type$
Persons: $n.person$
Stay dates: $n.StayDates$
Name: $n.Name$
Conf #: $n.Confirm$

Contact Details

Name: $FullName$
Mobile phone: $Phone2$
E-mail: $Email$


Total booking fee for $NoOfDays$ nights: $TotalBooking.totalBooking$
Additional services: $AddonPrice:{ n |
$n.title$ - $if(n.discountPrice)$ $n.price$ - $n.discountPrice$ $else$ $n.price$ $endif$
Booking change fee: $ChargeFee$
Total price: $Total$ $TotalFeePrice$
Booking Terms
Your holiday accommodation is reserved exclusively for the people named on the confirmation and no other persons whatsoever are permitted to stay there unless this has been agreed with us in writing and appropriate payments made. I understand that I am liable for damages caused, willfully or accidentally, to the property during my stay and I agree that my credit card will be charged directly.

+30 282210 61578